Frequently asked questions & answers

Baby Sleep

How many hours of sleep does a baby need each day?

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Cat napping is a very normal physiological stage that your baby goes through and can be caused by many things like overtiredness, dependent sleep associations and poor sleep environments. It can become an issue when day and night sleep is affected and your baby is constantly overtired. The awesome thing about catnapping is it is the easiest sleep problem to fix with great awake windows, a nap routine that supports longer stretches of sleep and a settling method to encourage self-settling and resettling.

Of course!
When making sleep changes, we base this on your unique family situation.
If you would like a flexible routine, great! If you would like something a little bit more structured, that’s great too! There is no right or wrong, only what is right for your family.⁠


What is the mini baby sleep program - sleep essentials, and how does it work?

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Do you use cry-it-out methods?

Nope! My sleep philosophy is based on gentle in-the-room methods, allowing you to be hands-on when settling your baby to sleep. I find this helps parents to feel much more comfortable when making sleep changes and then sticking to the methods with consistency for better results.

Generally, significant improvements start to happen in the first 3-5 days when starting a new settling method. It can take babies up to two weeks to adjust to new sleep routines and around 3-4 weeks for everything to consolidate when using gentle, in-the-room methods. Each family’s results will vary depending on their individual sleep goals, as there is no set time frame when improving sleep.

100% you can! I have worked with clients worldwide and have a great system that allows the follow-up support period to flow nicely through different time zones.

100% Book in!
This is the perfect time to start making sleep changes.
Because passing through these phases requires revisiting your baby’s sleep foundations & we will do this throughout our consultation.
If your baby’s sleep was good before the sleep regression, it could take babies 2-6 weeks to pass through them.
If sleep is still not back on track after this point, then it’s time to make some gentle changes to get your sleep back.

When your baby has reflux, feeds can be difficult, and your baby can be in a lot of pain both during and after feeds.
Reflux needs to be diagnosed and treated by a doctor.
Some babies may not require medications; however, once your baby’s doctor is satisfied, your baby is feeding well, and you have the right medication or formula, then we can start your total support package and work on getting you more sleep.

No way! Let’s get you out and about for some of those naps if you would like to. Generally, I do recommend that over our support period you don’t book in too much, but by all means, please continue getting out of the house and living your life. The program allows for some flexibility.

Yes! This program is going to focus on your baby’s day and night sleep. We will cover what is appropriate for your baby’s age overnight in terms of feed and wakes and how to reduce these.

Feeding to sleep is a common sleep association that works well for many babies.
However, suppose you feel ready to move to a different way of settling your baby to sleep or need the ability to have other people put your baby to sleep other than just you.
In that case, this program will take you through the steps to do this using a gentle settling method.

Rocking or bouncing to sleep are common sleep associations; we refer to this as assisting sleep.
The gentle baby sleep program is perfect for moving away from these kinds of sleep associations and implementing a new way to have your baby fall asleep in their cot that feels comfortable to you.
P.S. – I used to be a rocker to sleep with Billy back when he was sleeping terribly.


You can’t be the cOoL pArEnTs if you’re constantly feeling burnt out & asleep on your feet

With the right steps, education and gentle methods to get your baby to sleep, a set of realistic expectations, and the support (and pep talks) you need to actually trust your parenting-gut, you’ll finally get the sleep you and your baby deserve, and feel like a fully-functioning human-snack maker again (#goals).


Sick and tired of dealing with
un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.


Sick and tired of dealing with un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.


Embrace the Zzzs and unravel the secrets of your little one’s sleep.

Free Sleep Guide

Grab your free awake time & sleepy cues guide (for newborn – 3 years).


Sick and tired of dealing with
un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.