There’ll still be tears but this time… they’ll be happy


I’m Kat - the *qualified* tanty-taming sleep consultant prioritising parent’s pillowtalk & your baby’s bedtime.

The gentle settling to sleep method expert, registered nurse, and parent tackling a sleep-snatcher in real time, just like you.

And this… this is the side of the internet where we say a big fluff-you to feeling any kind of guilt, shame or confusion when it comes to learning how to get your baby to sleep better without resorting to CIO approaches.

Full disclosure – this is also the side of the internet that’s jam-packed with toys sprawled across every room of the house, piles of unfolded laundry are taking over, and asking “what the fluff is THAT?!” at least 7 times a day is totally the norm.  

Sound familiar?

The back story

Surgical registered nurse → the baby & toddler gentle sleep consultant for frazzled, zombie-like parents

Because no one actually says “I’m going to become a baby sleep consultant” without having a baby and struggling to get them to sleep, right?

Let me set the lack of sleep-scene 

It was 2020, mid-pandemic, and my son Billy was born with a hole at the top of his head (not ideal).  My parenting journey was just starting and I was already anxious at the thought of getting my baby to sleep.

I felt all the feels

Guilt. Shame. Anxiety. Isolated, over-stimulated, frustrated and alone, without the personal or professional support I desperately needed to thrive (read: survive).

Running on coffee fumes and all Google-searched out, I bit the bullet and started working with a baby sleep consultant.  Best. Decision. Ever.  I learnt settling methods that felt good for me and got Billy to sleep quicker and easier. My anxiety around sleep disappeared and for the first time, I was confident in my parenting-gut.

You know when it all just clicks?

That’s what happened. My journey to finally sleeping like a baby (yep, it’s a thing) took me from registered nurse to gentle baby sleep consultant, turning you overwhelmed and frazzled, zombie-like parents back into the humans you were before tears, tantrums & teething took over. Because same.


Get your baby to sleep better without spitting the dummy (yours or theirs…)

Whoever said “this too shall pass” was sitting on a throne of baby sleep lies, especially when it comes to overcoming sleep struggles in our modern parenting journey.

Catnapping, night wakes, early morning rises, sleep regressions, transferring your baby to their cot – hate to break it to you, but you’re fighting a never-ending nap battle, winging it day in and day out, and it’s kicking your tooshy.

If you’re literally tired of running on 4+ cups of reheated coffee a day and the adrenalin of keeping a small human alive, it’s time to get the help you need so your family can get the sleep you deserve – sweet dreams & epic mornings await!

You & me both value sleep, obvs

Here's a few other reasons to sleep easy when you work with The Sleeping Co

Anti-one size fits-you & your baby

Your baby’s different. You’re different. And you both need options.

Choose from multiple hands-on and in-the-room settling to sleep solutions.  So you find the one that suits your baby, your parenting style & your comfort level.

Unapologetically fluff-free

We don’t fluff around when it comes to sleep.

We’re parents too and know how busy you are, so you can rest assured that we’ll tell you exactly what you need to hear to help your family achieve sleep—stat.

Realistically realistic

Like, really really. You’ve got things to do, people to see & places to be.

Our programs and guides are completely flexible and adaptable, so you can go with the flow(charts).

Forward thinkers

We don’t just troubleshoot your *current* sleep struggles.

You’ll get first-hand advice on what to expect, when to expect it & how the fluff to deal with it before it happens.
You’re welcome.


You can’t be the cOoL pArEnTs if you’re constantly feeling burnt out & asleep on your feet

With the right steps, education, and gentle methods to get your baby to sleep, a set of realistic expectations, and the support (and pep talks) you need to actually trust your parenting gut, you’ll finally get the sleep you and your baby deserve and feel like a fully functioning human snack maker again (#goals).


Sick and tired of dealing with
un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.


Sick and tired of dealing with un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.


Embrace the Zzzs and unravel the secrets of your little one’s sleep.

Free Sleep Guide

Grab your free awake time & sleepy cues guide (for newborn – 3 years).


Sick and tired of dealing with
un-happy hour (naps) and losing sleep every fluffin' night?

Introducing the 3 Mini Sleep Programs for sleep-deprived zombies parents; Gentle sleep training & education to tackle naps & bed-times for newborns, babies & toddlers.